
The Filmmaker's Notebook

Filmmaking isn't always easy, right? Join a vibrant community of filmmakers as we share insider tips and behind-the-scenes stories from real experiences, from triumphs to failures. We'll discuss building habits, tackling challenges, leading teams, and making films. My goal is to help you become a successful, sustainable filmmaker. Your inbox is sacred—I promise to keep it simple, engaging, and hustle-free.

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Filmmaker's Notebook: We Have Been Here Before.

Filmmaking is broken. Distribution models are crumbling. Studios are slashing budgets like they’re cutting coupons. Streaming platforms are more obsessed with metrics than storytelling. Sound familiar? It should. We’ve been here before. The 1970s Playbook If you’re feeling the squeeze of today’s filmmaking landscape, take comfort in this: we’re standing on the edge of a transition, not an apocalypse. In the 1970s, the system really broke. Studios were bleeding money. Audiences were restless....

Filmmaker's Notebook: How Your Screenplay Directly Impacts Your Budget and Schedule

If you’re in the middle of writing your script, or even thinking about getting started, this is the moment to consider how every creative decision you make will impact your budget and schedule. Trust me, when you’re on set, these decisions start to add up fast. Pages Equal Time, Time Equals Money We’ve all heard it: 1 page of script equals 1 minute of screen time. But how long will it take to actually MAKE that 1 minute of the movie? On an indie film, you’re looking at 2 hours to film 1 page....

From Spy Thrillers to Set Wrangling: The Latest from Habethy Films (September 2024 edition)

September 2024 Newsletter Hello Reader, You’ve been with us for every late night, early morning, and caffeine injection, and this month, we’re thrilled to bring you the latest on what Habethy Films has been cooking up. We’ve got spies, post-production madness, a short supernatural horror film ready to hit festivals, and a whole lot of movie updates to share. From The Quiet Canadians and our quest for the perfect brand partnerships to Pickled Rabbit beginning the festival run, plus 13 Miles...

Feel good, just because!

Ever notice how we don’t need a reason to feel like garbage? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, spill coffee on your only clean shirt, and suddenly the world’s ending. No one questions it; no one asks for proof. But flip the script. Try feeling fantastic for no apparent reason, and people look at you like you’ve grown a second head. In the film business, we’re conditioned to hustle, grind, and wait for that elusive green light before cracking a smile. We tell ourselves we’ll celebrate when...

It’s Not Just About the Story—It’s About Who’s Telling It.

When I first started making films, I thought it was all about the story. A well-crafted plot, interesting characters, a clever twist, that’s what I focused on. But over time, I've realized something crucial: it’s not just the story that matters—it’s who is telling it, and even more importantly, why they’re telling it. Your Why is Your Power As an independent filmmaker, your why is your most powerful asset. It's what makes your movie resonate. As Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you...
A close up of a movie clapper on the ground

Imposter Syndrome? Welcome to the Club.

Enjoy this article? Click here to subscribe and receive the Filmmaker's Notebook each week so you never miss another! Let me tell you something about Imposter Syndrome: it’s normal as hell. In fact, if you don’t feel it while developing your indie feature film, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. Imposter Syndrome is a feature, not a bug. Seth Godin (Marketing visionary) talks about this all the time—it’s the feeling you get when you’re standing at the edge of something important,...

You Have Nothing to Lose

I'm taking a moment of indulgence to share with you a letter I've written to myself as a self-described "Filmmaker of a Certain Vintage". There's a certain bluntness, confidence, and a sense of urgency, to this letter that I felt I needed. I hope it will be helpful or, perhaps, provocative. If you feel I'm writing this to you, reply and let me know. Even if you aren't pushing past 40, but still feel a little stuck. “You Have Nothing to Lose” When you hit a certain age—let’s call it 50—you...

Beyond the Frame - Our August 2024 Newsletter

August 2024 Edition If you received this newsletter from a friend and would like to subscribe, click here. Hello Reader, Welcome to this (month) edition of our newsletter. (highlights) In this email, we'd like to share: Back from Halifax - The Quiet Canadians Takes Shape. News about our partnership with The Kelty Foundation and an upcoming event! “Unfrayed” Goes to Production Pickled Rabbit: Picture Locked and Loaded "13 Miles" Keeps on Rolling Reach out to chat about life, anything you read...

Beyond the Frame - July 2024 Newsletter

July 2024 Newsletter This Edition was sent to our Beyond the Frame subscribers on July 31st, 2024. If you'd like to receive this newsletter in your inbox at the end of each month, subscribe here (click link). Welcome to this July 2024 edition of our newsletter. We hope this newsletter finds you well and soaking up the summer vibes. We've been busy behind the scenes with some exciting developments in our projects, and we can't wait to share them with you. Whether you're here for the spy...