Indie Feature Film Producing - can you produce a movie in 1 year?

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

As I was thinking about this, I realized it’s not always THAT simple, but it’s important to know the steps involved and how short a time it could CONCEIVABLY TAKE:

  • Months 1-2 - Script Development
  • Months 1-4 - Financing begins (prelim budget, schedule, planned events, pitch decks and business plans)
  • Months 3-4 - Casting - at least shortlisting your leads and figuring out who could be the poster person for the movie.
  • Months 5-6 - Preproduction
  • Months 7 - Production
  • Months 7-9 - Editing
  • Month 10-11 - Sound, music, VFX, Colour.
  • Month 12 - Final Sound Mix, Online Master, Ship!

Now, is it that easy?

Of course not!

Some of these may take a little longer. For example, if you still need to write the script, then the first part will take more time.

But conceivably, all things aligned, you could get there with this timeline!

I've worked on some indie movies on this timeline and they absolutely made it happen, but a lot depended on the scope of the script and what was needed.

If you live in Nelson, BC, and you can make a movie in Nelson, BC, then this becomes more real. But if you live in Nelson and need to make your movie in Paris, London, New York and Berlin all in a year, you'll face a challenge. Not impossible, but you need some external factors and perhaps a different approach to your movie.

Anyway, let me know if that resonates with you.


P.S. Our SLACK community opens this Monday, March 4, and this will be where the juice of the Feature Film Producing program will exist. Having a small group of dedicated people to share the journey with and keep each other accountable is foundational to achieving your goal. Go to the link below to register and receive your invitation.

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