The Challenges and Fears of First AD'ing...

Published 12 months ago • 3 min read

Hey there, Reader!

I hope this email finds you embracing your quirky side and ready to dive into the fascinating world of making movies.

This is something I wish, when I was a first-time Assistant Director on my first short film, trying to look like I knew what I was doing (spoiler: I did not), someone had shared with me before my first day on set.

As an Assistant Director (AD) in the electrifying chaos that is the movie industry, I want to give you an unfiltered glimpse into the frustrations and challenges that have accompanied me on this wild rollercoaster ride.

Let’s set the scene, shall we? As an AD, my gig revolves around bringing the director’s vision to life, ensuring the production sails smoothly, and managing the intricate dance of coordinating every darn scene. It’s thrilling, no doubt, but boy, does it come with its fair share of frustrations.

So, what’s my biggest challenge, you ask? Well, it’s walking the tightrope between creative dreams and logistical nightmares. You see, filmmaking is an art form where collaboration is king, and everyone and their grandma has an opinion. As the AD, I find myself smack dab in the middle, juggling the director’s creative vision with the sometimes harsh realities of production.

Trying to balance artistic ambitions with the limited resources at hand? It’s like trying to squeeze into those skinny jeans after an all-you-can-eat buffet—painful and downright impossible sometimes. Budget constraints, time crunches, and unforeseen curveballs have a nasty habit of forcing compromises, leaving the original vision bruised and battered.

A colleague of mine once said, making a movie is like watching your dreams die, one frame at a time. It’s a tough pill to swallow, watching creative elements get watered down or tossed aside due to practicality. Ugh!

But wait, there’s more!

The movie industry is a shape-shifting beast, constantly morphing and evolving. Every project brings its own set of hurdles, demanding you adapt on the fly like a ninja on caffeine. Wrangling schedules, dealing with on-set chaos, and ensuring the crew doesn’t go full-on Lord of the Flies can turn your hair gray faster than you can say “roll sound!”

And let’s not forget the meticulously crafted call sheets, one line schedules (let me know if you want to know what those are) and plans that go up in smoke faster than you can say “oops!” Mother Nature decides to throw a tantrum, technical gremlins creep out of the shadows, or a plane crashes on an airplane runway you are about to film a scene on leaving you scrambling to salvage the situation.

Yes, that happened to me once - nobody was hurt thankfully.

Talk about needing nerves of steel and a knack for split-second decision-making!

Look, I won’t lie—these frustrations can make you want to scream into a pillow or drown your sorrows in a tub of ice cream. But amidst the chaos and hair-pulling moments lie golden opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The film biz is a wild ride, my friend, and every challenge is a chance to level up your skills, develop resilience, and flex those creative problem-solving muscles.

Yes, the struggle is real, but the rewards? They’re worth every sleepless night and stress-induced coffee overdose. Seeing the magic of moviemaking unfold before your eyes, collaborating with wildly talented folks, and contributing to the creation of captivating cinematic experiences—it’s a high like no other.

It’s crucial to acknowledge these challenges, embrace the journey, and remember that even the most epic adventures come with their share of speed bumps and detours.

If you’re a new AD, or want to become one and you’ve got any burning questions, I’m all ears!

That’s why I have put together this Assistant Director’s Blueprint, a self-paced course for AD’s looking to learn from experience and have a guide along the way (which is me)!

Whether you're a new AD, you are working your way up in your filmmaking career, or you're a Producer/Director who wants to dig deeper into prep, scheduling and running a set, I can know this course can provide you the tools, clarity, joy, motivation, and connections to help you achieve those goals.

I hope you’ll give me the chance to do just that.

Use adblueprint-60 at checkout for 60% off until June 5, 2023.

Wishing you a day filled with endless possibilities and popcorn-induced bliss!

Fist bumps,

Anthony, Former First-Time Assistant Director Extraordinaire

Hey there 👋. I'm going to be sending a few more emails than normal about my Assistant Director's Blueprint these next two weeks. I want to be respectful of your inbox, so if hearing about this program has you like 🙅‍♀️🙅🙅‍♂️, click here to OPT-OUT and I'll be back in your inbox with regularly scheduled "Making of" content June 5th. 👍

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