The Quiet Canadians - The Fan Experience - Week 1

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Case File #001

Hello Reader,

Welcome to the first edition of The Quiet Canadians - The Fan Experience bulletin.

We are Helena Thom and Anthony Epp, Producers at Habethy Film Productions - a production company in Vancouver, BC.

You're receiving this email because you signed up to receive updates from us on The Quiet Canadians, a new movie we are producing.

In this edition of The Fan Experience, we are introducing a few developments we wanted you to know:

1. We recently launched our new website for the movie.

2. For those of you who live in the Metro Vancouver area, we are hosting an event "A Night With Bond" on June 8th at the Dunbar Theatre. Tickets are available and you get to vote on which Bond movie we watch (last day to vote is June 1st)!

3. We have recently finished our movie "Look Book". A Look Book is a collection of movie stills, photographs, or any other visuals that are compiled to illustrate our vision for the film. We will be sharing this material with potential distributors, investors, and sponsors. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

A word from the Director, Anthony Epp…

So, why am I making this movie?

I remember being terrified watching Jaws, or enthralled with Star Wars and Star Trek (and yes, I do know the difference), and following the fantasy of James Bond films, knowing full well they weren’t real, but for the time I was in that theatre, it was real.

The Quiet Canadians is Habethy’s next movie, and, like 13 Miles, this one is really personal to us both. But it has a different significance, because this movie contains the elements that have always drawn us to enjoy movies in the first place, and that’s what excites us most.

The draw to the James Bond films began out of a childhood obsession. I watched my first Bond film, For Your Eyes Only, on TV when I was a kid and I fell in love with the adventure, the locations, the action, and just how fun the movies were. My first Bond movie in the cinema was The Living Daylights and I think I went back at least five times to watch it, bought the soundtrack, and named my cat “Kara” after the lead Bond girl.

Wrapping it up.

We are 10 years plus into our filmmaking careers that started with an idea to make 13 Miles together. And we are back with a spy movie, one that will fill our movie-going younger selves with excitement and anticipation and wonder.

With The Quiet Canadians, we are coming full circle and making the movies we want to see.

Well, that's all for this week. We hope you continue to enjoy following along while we continue to develop and produce this movie.


Helena & Anthony
Producers, "The Quiet Canadians"


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